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Training Request Sign Up

The ECE-TRIS Training Request Area is intended for those who wish to seek approval from the Division of Child Care (DCC) to offer Early Care and Education clock hours for events that are not conducted by a credentialed trainer.

Per regulation 922 KAR 2:240, all early care and education conferences, seminars and institutes using individuals not holding a current Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainer's Credential must be registered with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services' Division of Child Care. Only training hours obtained at registered training events will count toward renewal hours of a license, registration or certifications, KY ALL STARS program, the Commonwealth Child Care Credential, and the required training for renewal of the Kentucky Early Care and Education Trainers Credential.
First:   Mid:  Last:
Specify your first name, middle initial, and last name

Specify the company or affiliation you are associated

Specify your unique email address

Specify your phone number in the (xxx)xxx-xxxx format

Character Count: 0/200
Tell us about your conference, seminar, or institute.

© 2005 - 2024 ECE-TRIS  v2.0

Powered By TRIS   Kentucky the Unbridled Spirit
Funding is in whole or in part with federal or state funds M/D/F Equal Opportunity Employer.