Important Message from DCC to Find Approved Online Trainings Please refer to the following message from DCC within the Resources Area, Tutorials and Tip Sheets, Division of Child Care Information, Important Message from DCC to Find Approved Online Trainings -
It is CRITICAL to check the Calendar/Approved Trainings area in ECE-TRIS BEFORE purchasing or taking any training!
Please refer to the information shared via DCC ListServe to providers on September 24, 2024 related to Training Audits, compliance with regulations, and how to check within the Calendar/Approved Trainings area for approved online trainings. Please pay special attention to the approved Date/Times ranges listed. If you complete a training outside the date range or do not find the training in your search, it is NOT approved for clock hour credit, should NOT be taken, or submitted as ECE-TRIS cannot assign clock hour credit.Appelbaum Credit Process Attn Appelbaum Participants: Training completions 12/1/2024 or after no longer need to be self-reported. Appelbaum is providing a monthly credit file.
Home / Calendar Search / ECE WBTsECE Sponsored Web Based TrainingsEntering Quality Training Data into ECE-TRIS (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 2.0 hours Family Engagement and Improve Your All STARS Rating (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.5 hours Building Blocks of Early Math: Supporting Development of Number Sense (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 3.0 hours Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 4.5 hours and Implementing Health and Safety Regulations (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.0 hours Certified First Aid and CPR for Early Childhood Professionals (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.0 hours Trafficking 101: An Overview for Early Childhood Educators (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 2.0 hours Understanding Cultural Differences and Implicit Biases for Early Childhood Educators (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.0 hours for Children with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome for Early Childhood Educators (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 2.0 hours Getting Comfortable with Disability (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.0 hours Introduction to Division of Child Care Credentials (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 0.5 hours Abusive Head Trauma, Child Physical Abuse, and Safe Sleep: A Program for Early Childhood Education Providers (uses your ECETRIS login information and credit will automatically assign to ECE-TRIS) 1.5 hours